Tones – Muted Colors

Muted colors have tone in them. Tone This is very similar to “tint” and “shade,” only instead of being a hue with white or black added to it, it is […]

Tints – Pastel Colors

Pastel colors have tints in them. Tint A “tint” is a lighter version of a given hue. It is a hue that has only white added to it. Sometimes a […]

Shades – Dark Colors

Dark colors have shade in them. Shade This is the opposite of a “tint.” A “shade” is a hue with only black added to it. It can, of course, include […]

Hues – Bright Colors

Bright colors have hue in them. Hue The terms “color” and “hue” are often used interchangeably by artists and designers. For all intents and purposes, this will get you by […]

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